Optometrists in Hinckley since 1948
01455 637616

Childrens Eyecare

Vision plays an important part in your child's development, so it's important to keep on top of their eye health. However, it can be difficult to work out whether they are having problems with their eyes. Visit our dedicated section about children's eyecare to learn about some of the symptoms to look out for.

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children's eye care
Teenagers eye health

Teenager's Eyecare

Many children will start needing prescription eyewear in their teens, as this is a prime time for the development of near-sightedness or myopia. It’s important to encourage teenagers to get into the habit of regular eye examinations. Uncorrected vision problems can affect all aspects of their lives: their studies at school or university; their job; even their social life or ability to play sports.

And, if they need help with their vision, there are all sorts of solutions – from regular glasses to prescription sunglasses, contact lenses and even prescription goggles.


Your body goes through many changes during pregnancy, and your eyes can be affected too. Fluctuations in hormone levels can lead to dry eyes, blurred or distorted vision, or spots and floaters. Don’t worry if you experience any of these problems; the chances are they developed naturally and will disappear in the same way after childbirth. But it’s always important to visit your optician or GP if you do have any problems, just in case these symptoms are something other than hormonal changes.

Varifocal lenses are generally more necessary for people after the age of 40. This is because as you age you become more long-sighted, caused by loss of elasticity of the lens of the eye. This is known as presbyopia. Both bifocals & varifocal lenses are a great solution if you have more than one vision type.

eye health for pregnant women
Bifocal lenses

Family History

As a parent we believe it’s important you have regular sight tests. Some eye problems run in our family genes, so identifying any problems you may have will also benefit your children.

Over 40's

Changes to your vision are a natural part of the ageing process and commonly occur around your 40s, so it’s important to have your eyes tested regularly once you reach this age, and with an early diagnosis most age-related conditions can be managed effectively.

senior eye healthcare

Common Eye Conditions

Here are some of the most common eye conditions that we diagnose and offer treatment for. Our staff's expertise can make sure that you are having the best treatment and help keep your eyes healthy


The symptoms are itchy and sore eyelids, Crusty or greasy eyelashes, sticky eyelids or difficulty opening your eyes

Diabetic Retinopathy

This condition does not usually cause any noticeable symptoms, but if left undiagnosed or treated and it can lead to sight loss.


Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases that affect the optic nerve which connects the eye to the brain. It usually affects both eyes and develops very slowly.


It will become difficult to do close-up tasks, like reading or sewing. The further you hold something from you, the clearer it gets. You may notice lots of people holding things at arm’s length to see clearer.


Cataracts are very common, you will experience blurred or cloudy vision and may find bright lights intolerable.

Dry eye syndrome

Red eyes, dryness and soreness that become worse during the day. Temporary blurred vision may also occur

Hay Fever

An allergic reaction to pollen which causes Itchy, watery or red eyes and a lot of sneezing!

Red Eye

There are several causes for red eye, including Conjunctivitis, Burst blood vessels, Iritis, Acute glaucoma, Corneal ulcer or debris in the eye


Pink or bloodshot eyes that give a gritty feeling in the eyes. Usually, eyes may omit a yellow discharge


Floaters appear as black or cloudy spots or strands that ‘float’ across your field of vision. Usually, nothing to worry about, but feel free to ask if you're concerned

Macular Degeneration

There are two conditions Dry or Wet age macular degeneration. Dry affects the ability to see fine detail. Wet involves a sudden decline in central vision

Watering Eyes

There are many reasons this may occur. Please speak to us and we can diagnose why this is happening to you.

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